Tuesday, April 8, 2014

And another Monday is here...(day7)

As usual the day began with the weigh-in and I must say I am liking where this is going! Afterwards of course I drank my coffee in peace! The sports program for me started with breathing aerobics and was filled by group aerobics. Then I had an hour of private training with a focus on the back! Of course I had to go to my favorite aqua aerobics after that. Then it was time for lunch broth which I had to drink down really quick, because I had an appointment with the dietologist (which lasted 1.5 hours). We discussed the dos and donts of my personal diet! In the afternoon I went down to the town to do a little shopping. After that I had the evening juice which was grapefruit, attended a lecture on how to pay more attention to the self in life and then tried Qigong for the first time. To the latter I actually have a funny story: qigong is an ancient Chinese form of meditation, but to me it just didn't want to work. In the middle of the class a few giant bugs flew in the room and were flying against the lamps and of course I thought it was hornets, unlike the other people I could not hold my composure and ran out of the room. The bugs flew out and I was called back in for the second part of the class, but of course as soon as I closed my eyes and started to meditate they came back. This time I didn't leave but I spent the rest of the class staring at the bugs, which in the last three minutes , I discovered, were not hornets but cockchafer also know as May bugs.  Here are my impressions of the day in pictures (today not all that many)
Lunch time broth of tomato and pumpkin
Drinking my afternoon tea while reading what the dietologist gave me
This picture is not made by me but that's what the may bug looks like, and they are huge

Yours truly

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